Why is it so important for a freelance writer to keep a blog?

It's important for a number of reasons. Anyone who has decided to try their luck as a freelance writer will know that certainly at the beginning it can be a pretty tough row to hoe. Just finding jobs then applying for them can take a considerable amount of time. Then you have to find out if you've got the job and if you have the time and ability to do it really well. But that's where a blog can be such a help. Here are some reasons why this is true.

  • You need to keep writing on a daily basis.
  • You need to promote yourself in the world of writing.
  • You need to have important people visit your blog.
  • You need to use your blog as a marketing tool.
  • You need to improve your own knowledge and expertise.

Every writer will tell you that it is an activity you need to continue to do in order to keep in shape. It's like a physical exercise. The saying that you should ‘use it or lose it’ applies to anyone who is a freelance writer. Keep at your writing on a regular basis and a blog is an ideal way to do just that.

You may not want to be famous yourself but certainly you need to establish credibility and reputation in the freelance writing world. Your work needs to be noticed. People need to know about you and your writing or certainly about your writing. A blog will help you achieve that goal.

For influential and important people to make contact with you they need to have a reason to do so. And if you have a blog which you maintain on a regular basis then there is a reason for these people to make contact with you. It's an excellent networking tool.

Whether you like it or not you need to market your work. You need to impress potential employers with your expertise. And there is no better way to do just that than by maintaining a regular writing blog.

And of course if you do maintain a regular freelance writing blog you give yourself the chance to discover new material and gain new skills. In order to write regularly on your blog you need to investigate certain situations. This helps you become a better freelance writer.

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